To Book Your Face Painter Call : 520-445-8029
There is a 2 Hour Minimum
Basic Face Painting – $100 per hour for Basic Face Painting . Painter comes prepared with a book with tons of art to choose from for both boys and girls. This service is good for all ages; expected output is 16-19 kids per hour. Face painting is great for all types of events and Parties.
Glitter Tattooing – $90 per hour for Glitter Tattooing. Glitter Tattooing has become very popular; it’s fun and colorful and sparkly and last up to 7 to 10 days. This service is good for boys and girls of all ages. Expected output is 20-25 kids per hour.
Full Face Painting – $125 per hour for Full Face. This is more appropriate for older kids, at least 8 years of age, as they will have to sit still for a longer period of time. Expected output is around 2 kids per hour, depending on the detail of the art. Great for Halloween Parties.
Also add regular Temporary Tattooing to any Party.
Frequently asked Questions:
How do I get the Art off?
* Well, with the Face Paint I have found that Baby wipes work the best but if you don’t have baby wipes, you can use soap and water. Sometimes the black is hard to get off. A little baby oil usually does the trick. Baby Oil also works great for Glitter tattooing. Apply a generous amount of baby oil on let it soak for about three minutes and then wipe off with a rag.
What kinds of Paints are used?
* I use Wolfe FX Paints. Wolfe FX paints are a top of the line product. They are FDA approved and non-toxic.
How fast does the face paints dry?
* Wolfe products dry very fast. Within seconds,
Should I wear sun block with this product?
* Sun block should always be worn in the sun, but please allow sun block to be completely absorbed into the skin before having any artwork done. Sun block that is not absorbed into the skin can cause the paint to smear
Are the Glitter tattoos FDA approved?
* Yes, just like face Paints they are FDA approved.
Are there any restrictions on the Glitter Art?
* Yes I cannot put Glitter Art on the face because of the risk of getting it in the eyes.
How fast do the Glitter Tattoos dry?
* Glitter Tattoos dry in seconds.
How long does the Glitter Tattooing last?
* Glitter tattoos are waterproof and last 7-10 days.
Are your products non toxic?
* Yes all my products are non toxic, which mean they are safe to eat though I wouldn’t suggest this meal.
Is Face Painting smudge Proof or water proof?
* No, this product is not smudge proof but if this happens always you can always ask for touch-ups
Is this product safe for the eyes?
* As an experienced painter, I am very careful around the eyes. However, small children are very energetic, so there is always a chance that paint could come in contact with eyes. If this happens, immediately rinse eyes with plenty of water to avoid any irritation. (Don’t worry, I can fix the artwork)
All products are top of the line and FDA approved.