Human Hamster Balls

Human Hamster Balls
Hamster Balls
$650/3 hours Dry
Age range: 5 - Adult
Capacity: 2 at a Time
Footprint Size: 35' x 80' x 3'
Space required: 3' x 38' x 85'
Rental rate: $650/3 hours
Deposit required: No
Attendants: 1 included in price.
Jumpmaxx Supervised

Human hamster balls, also known as zorb balls or zorb spheres, are large inflatable spheres designed for people to roll around in. They offer a fun and adventurous experience and are often used for recreational activities, team-building events, or unique outdoor experiences Human hamster balls provide a unique and entertaining way to experience the thrill of rolling in a safe, inflatable environment. By following safety guidelines and using the balls in appropriate settings, you can ensure a fun and enjoyable experience for all participants. Our Hamster balls come with a 75' long track for racing. Hamster Balls come with 1 Staff member to help operate the unit.